Thursday, January 14

On a day when sleeping seemed like the only way to put an end to perpetual mistake making, I read this from my friend Jolleen:

"And now I sleep to wake up to eyes open in expectation of His loving mercy and grace."

In disbelief of such an undeserving promise, I look forward to tomorrow.

I'm also thankful for the small/big things today. A morning greeting text to check in across time zones, an understanding yet challenging boss who expects the best, students who try, students who ask questions, new sheets from grandma barbara for Christmas (which happen to be gold), a bed, a check in call, friends to watch play basketball, Tori to paint my right hand while watching said basketball game (purple, but not two coats because it was pointed out to me in the past that it looked black like the high schoolers), cheap taco bell, tylonel to aid the mistake of wearing a headband, and the let down of Risky Business- but a roommate to laugh about it with. And the hope to wake up extra early!

Monday, January 11

The merriest of times in Olathe

I am the luckiest in the world when I get to spend time with the five fryes.

And that is what I did! I flew out after work on the first day of the blessing of a break (school starts again tomorrow). I never forget that part of my heart is in kansas, but I forget the details of daily living and being able to run to the store and get half & half and loved every second of being back.

Donna came over for our second annual Christmas baking day. Entire day! With a B team and A team according to skill level and the ammount of errors made, with generous room for improvement or decline.

I had to make the favorite of last year, rosemary pinenut cookies, which are close to the consistency of shortbread but with a not too sweet, great combination taste. These will be a staple each year. I also made peppermint bark and my favorite that I grew up with, soda cracker candy.

Melissa made incredible Ginger cookies to go with our tea and her famous peanut butter balls, people chow, and a popcorn white chocolate mix. Donna tried a new chocolate walnut log which was excellent and peanut butter balls and left the caramel at home to ensure B team status and no less:)

Baking war paint.

The day was a success!

Here is mister comedy, Logan, enjoying the Christmas goodies.

And his brother Brennan in overwhelming anticipation!

And his other brother, Landen able to hold it in slighty more.

Until now,

Landen loved games just as much as I, which is so fun. And competitive. Let me say I did beat him in a bsu vs tcu (we were in fiesta bowl anticipation) NCAA playstation game. I know! 27 to 21. He was begging for a re-match.

Todd and melissa,

So cute

Some last minute shopping with kim!

And my morning ritual of pg tips.

The best way I could think to start Christmas.

Saturday, January 9

If I could prevent my sister from 5 things.

Here's one. I wish that she would not see procrastination as an option. Sure brainstorming under pressure is exciting. Not leaving enough hours to do the best you could do- horrible. Stressful. Not worth it.

My acquaintance with procrastination explains why this is my first break today to eat.

I hope I can produce a nice finished cookbook for my grandma by the close of this evening. Because she deserves the best!

Friday, January 8

Beat it

My friend/roommate turned 26! But we like to call it 21. We karaoked. Good thing because she is the best at karaoking that I've ever witnessed. In fact I'm missing her do just that right now for a date with my sketch book.

Rachael's pretty.

Kaysha and I decorated with one of her favorite hobbys.

And I leave you with a game called Where's Liesel? (Rachael's best friend. Hint: lots of hair)

Thursday, January 7

Spoiled and known

While I am experiencing difficulty posting the longer posts of pictures from my vacations- i will fill the space with treats I received for Christmas. Because I can't keep from smiling when entering my kitchen.

Look at this kind runner Melissa found for me! I love the simple geometric birds which remind me some of Charlie Harper and also how well the trim oddly matches the wall!

Lindsey found me a smashing set of these world landmark glasses!

The cutest pinecone plates serving some tarte came from kc as well.

Okay and just have to show the gift of these perfect cream shoes!

(photo taken when on vacation in giddy land)

What generous friends I thank.