Friday, November 9

Alive and Well

It's that time of year. The time of stress in the semester. Except why has the majority of the semester, if not all, felt like this? I guess I am attempting to take this semester as seriously as I am able to, everything I do or don't do right now will affect my portfolio and my portfolio affects my future. No pressure.
So I am living one task at a time and when I weigh my tasks, I couldn't put blog writing at the top, (not that I don't enjoy writing to my friends).

We are sure blessed with a pretty November here in Idaho. And a fun "Night of the Arts" is coming up next Monday, 8-10, hosted by the Communications, Music and Art departments at NNU. Readers Theatre, Jazz, Art, oh and food!

Friends who have been through this stage of deciding and praying about what is next, I would love to hear your stories.
I'm back to photoshop.
good night

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