Wednesday, April 2

i've been looking like i'm working on the railroad

I have been working. Learning of a lot of potential problems. Trying to solve them. Trying to stay warm in the shop. Trying to be positive at 2am. Thankful for helpful friends who hold up boards while I draw & make brownies. and very excited for a few days from now!

(thanks tori!)

My time is very limited but I wanted to update with progress but not too much information to spoil.
I am headed back to the shop...happy wednesday


jeffrey greene said...

i am truly so excited for the show! i've taken off work to come see your masterpieces!

Nicole said...

hey! tyler and i got your invite thing in the mail yesterday and we really wanna try to come! i think we'll be able to, so im excited! :-)

bethany said...

we love our is on our fridge. i wish my life wasn't so crazy and i were rich - i would TOTALLY come to your show. but whether i am there or not, it is going to frickin rock.
love you.